Members of NIHCC have the opportunity to join this field trip organized by the North Bethesda Camera Club. We don’t have much more information than is given below except that others who have attended Matthew Christopher’s field trips have been pleased with their experience. If you are interested in coming please email Gail Bingham at: ASAP.
North Bethesda Camera Club has an opportunity to go on a field trip on January 10 to an abandoned school site south of Harrisburg. The exact location will be sent to those who register. It will be organized as an overnight, with dinner together, but could be done as a drive up and back (about two hours each way).
We would like to extend an invitation to members of other local clubs to go with us, as we have room for at least 10 more people. Please ask your members to send an email to Gail Bingham as soon as possible (, if they would be interested in going.
The concept is to work with Matthew Christopher ( who has build relationships with owners of a variety of abandoned sites in the mid-Atlantic. So, he has unique access to sites we would not otherwise be able to see. Renovation on this site will begin in February, so it also owon’t be around much longer. It’s an indoor location, which is good given that the weather is getting colder. Another nice opportunity is that the site is owned by a Harrisburg architect who participates in the Art Walk there, and he has planned a juried show of photographs from the school at next year’s Art Walk – which we would be invited to participate in along with two other workshops of folks.
The cost would be $135 for a half day access, which is higher than we’ve paid previously for other field trips, but it’s to a site that others aren’t going to and this includes the fee to the owner, a required fire marshal and a fee to Matthew. We will set a back up date in consultation with those who sign up, either one or two weekends later, in case of bad weather.