Longwood Gardens Orchid Extravaganza, Monday March 7, 2016
Our next joint NIHCC/SSCC midweek meet-up will be on Monday March 7, 2016, to Longwood Gardens for their annual Orchid Extravaganza (http://longwoodgardens.org/). The orchids are on display indoors in the Conservatory.
“Longwood’s Orchid Display is a living showcase of 300 to 500 plants at peak bloom, filling the room with their vibrant colors and delicate fragrances.”
Longwood is a 2 hour drive away so we will be leaving here before 7:00am in order to arrive there by 9:00am. You can buy admission tickets on line – they are time stamped so a 9:00am ticket allows you entry at 9:00am, a 9:30am ticket at 9:30am, etc. Tripods are allowed in the conservatory from 9:00-12:00 noon so ideally we want to be in the 9:00am group.
There are lots of plants other than orchids in the conservatory. Once you are inside the gardens you can stay as long as you wish. Depending on the weather there may also be some outside interest.
Watch for an email from Jim about car pooling and organization by March 1.