Our second joint NIH Camera Club/Silver Spring Camera Club weekday meet-up will be on the morning of Monday Feb. 8 at Union Station. Tripods are not allowed in the building so this will be primarily a handheld outing (you can shoot with a tripod outside). But there should be lots of opportunities for indoor street photography, crowd and motion shots, and some architecture. Light levels in the station are low so come prepared with a steady hand. Several people have asked about the photography policy in the station so I have attached the official Rules and Regulations – see item 17 “Photography is welcome in the public areas of Union Station”. USDCRulesandRegulations
You can arrive when you wish (I suggest taking the Metro) but we’ll meet at 10 am to exchange information on photo possibilities, then again at noon for people planning to stay for lunch. The main doors to the station face Columbus Circle on Massachusetts Ave. As you walk into the station through these doors there is a Starbucks on your left. We’ll meet inside the station by this Starbucks. Please let me know if you plan to attend so I know how many people to expect (Jim_Turner_1945@yahoo.com). Also if you come to the meet-up and I don’t see you please let me know you were there, we want to be able to gauge the level of interest in these events.
If you are looking for another indoor street photography opportunity there will be a number of activities to celebrate the Lunar New Year at Lake Forest Mall on the weekends of Feb. 6-7 and 13-14.