Primary colors will be defined as the additive primary colors: Blue, Green, and Red ONLY.
Event Details here.
'Blowing in the Wind' by David Terao. Advanced Digital, 1st Place.
'Civil War Musician' by Stan Collyer. Advanced Digital, 3rd Place.
'Locomotive Colors' by John Norvell. Advanced Digital, 2nd Place.
'Blue Bud; Green Leaves' by Emma Howells. Novice Digital, HM.
'Little House' by Martha Cain-Grady. Novice Digital, 3rd place.
'Bluegreen' by Lisa Kruppa. Novice Digital, 1st place.
'Dolomite Church' by Quentin Fisher. Novice Digital, 2nd place.
'Drops on Leaves' by Emma Howells. Novice Digital, HM.