Category Archives: Announcements

Ocean Wild: an unmissable presentation on underwater photography

Event Information: Ocean Wild

  • Who: National Geographic master underwater photographer Brian Skerry
  • What: A talk about Brian’s latest assignments and intimate photographs of marine life
  • Where: National Geographic’s DC headquarters at 1600 M Street NW
  • When: Thursday, December 11 at 7:30 p.m.
  • Tickets: Starting at $24
  • For more information:

On December 11th, National Geographic will be hosting an event at their headquarters called Ocean Wild, featuring National Geographic master underwater photographer Brian Skerry. The event will be a talk about Brian’s intimate portraits of marine life as well as updates from his latest adventures and assignments for National Geographic.

As part of the “Masters of Photography” series, it is sure to be an unforgettable experience at National Geographic headquarters.


Night Photography Discussion


We live in an amazing area with lots of public spaces and public art. How can we learn to appreciate and take advantage of this in our photography? How can we get beyond the classic snapshot of a monument? Well that is what photographer E David Luria will help us to do. He is the founder and director of the Washington Photo Safari. He has many other photographic credentials including being a member of the American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), the Association of Independent Architectural Photographers (AIAP), and the Society for Photographic Education (SPE). On Tuesday, April 29 at 7 PM, he will take us on a 90 minute tour of the Washington area. In consideration of the NIH Camera Club’s competition topics, he will place a special emphasis on night-time photography of these special areas. The location is the 5 Star Residence, 8100 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD.

Wet Plate Photography: Live Demonstration

George Lea is the Club contact for this event.

John Milleker, a Baltimore based photographer practices, demonstrates and teaches nearly every photographic process from the early 1800’s to modern digital photography and post processing.

In the Art Studio at the 5 Star Residence (8100 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase) on Saturday March 29th at 12:30  to 4 time, he will give a presentation on the history and a live demonstration of wet plate photography.

These are also known as ‘Tintypes’ and ‘Ambrotypes’, depending on what substrate was used to make the image. Wet plate collodion photography was invented in the late 1840’s and allowed photographers to extensively cover the battlefields of the Civil War  which gave citizens real images of the carnage at the front lines for the first time in history. The process is a little dirty and smelly, but you will be able to see the images appear before your eyes. We may be looking for some volunteer models.

If people catch the bug and want to learn and do the process themselves, John will be teaching a full two day workshop in Lower Town Harpers Ferry on October 11th & 12th 2014. (There will be a fee.)

Raptor Photo Shoot May 10, 2014

Lisa Kruppa has arranged for the special photography session with the Raptor Conservancy (  The Raptor Conservancy is a non-profit organization dedicated to:

  • Rehabilitation and release of injured, ill or orphaned native VA birds of prey (raptors);
  • Education of the public about raptors and preservation of their habitat; and,
  • Endeavoring to increase the wild population of endangered and threatened raptors.

The date for the session will be Saturday, May 10, 2014. The Conservancy will be obtaining permits for a local park in Virginia. Exact location is yet to be determined; it will be within a 30-minute drive of DC.

There will be two one hour sessions, 11 am and noon. Each session will have two 30 minutes sessions with an owl and hawk/falcon; a total of 4 different raptors over the one hour time frame.

The suggested minimum donation for each session one hour session is $30. All donations will go directly to the Conservancy to support their rehabilitation and conservation efforts.

Participation is limited. If you would like to reserve a time slot please contact Lisa Kruppa –

Please specify the time slot as 11 am, Noon, or both.

B&O Railroad Museum Field Trip March 1st at 10am

Greg Holden will lead a field trip to the B&O railroad museum in Baltimore ( on Saturday March 1 starting at 10 am (when museum opens). The museum features an outside display of train engines, a restored roundhouse full of trains and cars and a workhouse. A special Civil War exhibit is going on right now featuring locomotives and railcars that served during the war. Museum is located at 901 West Pratt Street, Baltimore 21223 and has its own parking lot. The museum is open until 4 pm. Entrance fee is $16. Meet in the parking lot at 10am. Note that “Wheeled Vehicles” is our club competition topic for our March meeting.

Casual Chatter in January 2014

Our 3rd Casual Camera Chatter meet will be Saturday, January 25, 2014 for our Area 3 – Rockville, zip code 20850-20855, but of course all members are invited to these chats. It will be hosted by Leonor Guillen. She has chosen to have this meet at “le Madeleine” at 11858 Rockville Pike at 10:30 a.m. We do ask you to let us know if you plan to attend, please email Leonor at or Linda at by January 23. A reminder will be sent out in January.

The Glennie Annual Nature Salon

By Pete Guion

Hello everyone. The Glennie annual nature salon competition is coming up once again. Time to go through your photos, find all your best nature photos, and show them just how good our photographers are.

The categories are the same as last year – Birds, Mammals, Invertibrates, Reptiles, Amphibians, Marine & Freshwater Life, Botany, and Landscapes.

We are allowed to submit up to 10 images in total, with no more than 2 by any given photographer (the photographer limit is across any and all clubs he or she may belong to!).

To make sure we have a good turnout, each member is limited to no more than 2 entries *per category*, not to exceed 10 photos in total. Any photo that meets the definition of any of the above categories can be entered, including any photos that have been submitted previously as long as that photo has never been submitted to the Glennie competition itself.* (I.E. – it was in the voting pool to decide what to send but was not elected for submission to the actual Glennie competition.) Submission or earning of awards to any of the club’s regular monthly competitions is irrelevant.

The dates are as follows:

  • Wednesday Jan 29th – Deadline for submission by club members for club selection
  • Sunday Feb 2nd – Glennie voting open for club members
  • Friday Feb 14th – Last day for club members voting’voting closes.


Voting for us will be done using our online galleries as in previous years. Photos will be randomized and anonymized. A ballot will be sent out with the link to the galleries when they are up and ready.

Please submit all photos to the NIH Camera Club email address ( using the following format:

Image title/filename : Category~Photographer’s Name

subject line: Glennie Entry

All photos must be no larger than 1024 x 768 pixels and use sRGB color space.

Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit

Fourth Annual Joseph Miller Abstract Photography Exhibit will be accepting entries December 28, 2013 February 26, 2014.

As in the three previous Annual Abstract Photography Exhibits, the Fourth Annual Abstract Photography Exhibit will be an outstanding example of photography as art and should not be missed by serious photographers.

Further information, including a definition of abstract photography as well as a calendar of important dates can be found on the Abstract Exhibit on the website.