Category Archives: Nature Visions 2016

Nature Visions and NIHCC 2016

We have the results back from the Nature Visions competition. In all the club had 49 images accepted into the show at the Expo vs. 38 last year – almost a 30% increase!!! I don’t have the statistics back yet on how we did relative to other clubs – but last year we were a tiny bit above average so I’m assuming that this year we did significantly better. The photographers listed below had a least one image accepted:

  • Stan Collyer
  • Suzanne Dater
  • Gosia Klosek
  • George Lea
  • Nate Lee
  • Dale Lewis
  • Kay Norvell
  • Saul Pleeter
  • Diane Poole
  • Cathrine Sasek
  • Margaret Sprott
  • David Terao
  • Jim Turner
  • Kate Woodward
  • Thank you to everyone who participated.

Please think about attending the Expo if you haven’t already registered.

Nature Visions 2016


Nature Visions Photo Expo 2016

November 18-20, 2016

Hylton Performing Arts Center, Manassas, VA

The Nature Visions Photo Expo is a three day educational event held every year on the George Mason University campus and sponsored by area Camera Clubs including our club. It is open to the public and designed for photographers from beginners to professionals. It includes lectures, workshops, photography equipment vendors and a photo competition. You are encouraged to attend the Expo AND participate in the photo competition. As an NIHCC member you will be able to submit up to 8 images to the competition, 6 in various Nature categories (Macro, Water, Landscapes, Birds, Wildlife, Flora) and 2 in the Photo Art category, all at no cost. Online submissions will begin in mid to late August and remain open for 4 weeks, so it’s time to start thinking about your entries.

Participants in the critique session on April 12 are encouraged to bring potential Nature Visions entries for feedback, and images chosen for past Expos will also be available for you to see. In the early summer we will also be providing additional opportunities for you to get feedback on your possible entries.

The rules for both the Nature and Photo Art competitions are given in detail on the Nature Visions website ( Past participants should note that there are some changes to the rules this year. Most notably for images submitted to the Nature categories;

(1) Creative digital filters that manipulate existing photographic pixels (e.g., to produce brush strokes, surface texture, added noise) are permitted.

(2) Multiple exposures are no longer permitted (however focus stacking, HDR composites, stitched panoramas and similar procedures that combine multiple images of the same scene are still allowed).

(3) Human elements (formerly referred to as “hand of man”) are no longer permitted.

For more information see the NIHCC Newsletter, the NIHCC website ( and the Nature Visions website (, or contact Jim Turner ( or Gary McDavid (

Nature Visions Photo Expo

When: November 13-15, 2015

Where: Hylton Performing Arts Center, Manassas, VA


What: The Nature Visions Expo is an exciting three day educational event held every year on George Mason University’s campus and sponsored by area Camera Clubs including our club. It is open to the public and designed for photographers from beginners to professional.

Since NIHCC is a sponsoring club YOU are encouraged to participate in the following:

  • Education – Attend lectures and workshops led by professional photographers (some fee based and some free)
  • Public Exhibition – submit your images to a juried exhibition (some 300 out of 1000+ entries will be chosen, only members of sponsoring clubs can enter). You will be able to submit up to 8 images total, 6 in various nature categories (Macro, Water, Landscapes, Birds, Wildlife, Flora) and 2 in the Fine Arts category. Online submissions will begin in late August, so it’s time to start thinking about your entries.
  • Merchandise Sales – Pursue photography equipment, books, tours all at discounted prices.

More detailed information will be sent out shortly via our Google list. Please contact Jim Turner or Stan Collyer if you have any questions.