January: Macro – Close-up images of any object(s), created with or without a macro lens.
Novice winners

"How the medicine goes down" by Quentin Fisher. 1st place Novice Digital

"To the core" by Gosia Klosek. 3rd place Novice Digital

"See through butterfly" by Diane Poole. 2nd place Novice Digital

"Making the world go around" by Quentin Fisher. HM Novice Digital
Advanced Winners

"Sawfly larva" by David Terao. 2nd place Advanced Digital

"Pink Rose" by Jim Turner. HM Advanced Digital

"Ba Ba Bloom" by Gary McDavid. 3rd place Advanced Digital

"What are you thinking" by John Telford. 1st place Advanced Digital

"Holiday glow" by Gary McDavid. HM Advanced Digital