2015 Entries from NIHCC members
Nature Visions Photo Expo was held Nov. 13-15, 2015, in Manassas VA. The NIH Camera Club had a total of 38 images selected for the show (27 in the Nature exhibit and 11 in PhotoArt) from 11 photographers (Kay Norvell, Suzanne Dater, George Lea, Bruce Liffiton, Louise McLaughlin, Gosia Klosek, Stan Collyer, Saul Pleeter, Cathrine Sasek, Gary McDavid, and Jim Turner).
- Lacadema by Gary McDavid
- Last Judgement by Gary McDavid
- Cliffs of Moher by Bruce Liffiton
- BC Pine Cone by Jim Turner
- Guanacos in Patagonia Chile by Suzanne Dater
- Fells Point by Stan Collyer
- Self Portrait by Jim Turner
- Watchful Bee by Cathrine Sasek
- Hard Time by Jim Turner
- Six Horses of Camargue
- Necturing Butterfly by Cathrine Sasek
- Long-tailed sylph chasing tourmaline sun angel by Suzanne Dater
- Torres del Paine Sheep Farm by Suzanne Dater
- Cathrine Sasek Rays of Sunlight Macro
- Day lily (detail) by Jim Turner
- Blue Poppy by Jim Turner
- “Night Blooming Water Lily” by Jim Turner
- Blue Iris by Jim Turner
- After the Storm by Cathrine Sasek
- Patagonia Lake Peohe by Suzanne Dater
- Rock of Cashel by Bruce Liffiton
Eight of our images (from photographers Gary, Saul, George, Suzanne, Cathrine and Jim) were candidates for the Peoples’ Choice Awards, meaning that they scored in the top few images in their categories.
Jim Turner’s image “Self Portrait” won one of the Expo’s top prizes: the 2015 People’s Choice Award for best image in the Photo Art competition.
Many of our members attended the Expo and enjoyed three days of inspiration, education, fun and camaraderie. Highlights included Marc Muench’s superb all day session on Friday which was packed with excellent tips and beautiful images, and Joe McNally’s inspiring and entertaining presentation on Saturday evening.
Attendance at the Expo broke records yet again, all the talks and workshops were well attended, and the vendors were selling great gear at discount prices.