November: Details, Details.
Novice winners
"Fleet Feet" by Karen Goldman, Novice Digital 1st Place
"The Oculus" by Nate Lee, Novice Digital 2nd Place
"Make a Wish" by Grace Park. Novice Digital HM
"Hunt Toast" by Linda Eisenstadt. Novice Digital 3rd Place
"Reaching" by Quentin Fisher, Novice Digital HM
"Canopy Pattern" by Emma Beatty Howells, Novice Digital HM
Advanced Winners
"Lily Study" by Coriolana Simon. Advanced Digital 1st Place
"Dragonfly Eyes" by David Terao. Advanced Digital 2nd Place
"Guy in the Window" by Jim Turner. Advanced Digital 3rd Place
"Tints of Wonder" by Coriolana Simon. Advanced Digital HM
"Hoverfly on a Water Lily" by David Terao. Advanced Digital HM
"Rusty" by John Telford. Advanced Digital HM
"Gehry_Vortex" by Doug Wolters. Advanced Digital HM