October: Plants and/or Animals.
Novice winners
"Osprey Honeymoon Island" by Karen Goldman. Novice Digital 1st place
"Entropy" by Nathanael Lee. Novice Digital 2nd place
"Look Up" by Dan Smith. Novice Digital 3rd place
"Lily 1" by Linda Eisenstadt. Novice Digital HM
Advanced Winners
"Little Green Pollinator" by Jim Turner. Advanced Digital 1st place
"Waiting for Spring" by Stan Collyer. Advanced Digital 2nd place
"At the Market" by At the Market. Advanced Digital 3rd place
"What are you looking at" by Guillermo Olaiziola. Advanced Digital HM
"The Tulip Speaks" by Doug Wolters. Advanced Digital HM
"Dandilion Plasma" by Nicolas Raymond. Advanced Digital HM
"Fireflys" by David Terao. Advanced Digital HM
"Intensity" by Gosia Klosek. Advanced Digital HM
"Grass in the Wind" by John Telford. Advanced Digital HM